Sunday, January 06, 2013

Migrating from WPF to Windows 8

As part of the ongoing development efforts at my company, I'm always researching the latest technologies and developments. My latest endeavour is researching Windows 8 and doing technical feasibility work to find out if it's right for us. On that front, I'm learning how to develop for the Windows 8 runtime in C#. I've got a lot of experience in WPF, and our current Line-Of-Business application is written in WPF, so I'm used to certain things, things which I'm finding no longer hold true in WinRT programming. For example, how resources such as strings are accessed in XAML. For WPF, if I wanted the internationalized string for a label, I'd do something like this : <Label Text="{x:Static resources:Messages.UserName}"/> However, the x:Static XAML extension no longer exists. Instead, you have to follow the *very different* ways of accessing string resources on this MSDN document, because the means of accessing resources for a WinRT application are both simpler (in some ways) and more robust, if a little bit confusing at first. For string (and even other resources, such as images) internationalization in WinRT, what you do is this: 1. Create a folder path for your strings: \Strings\en-US 2. Under the aforementioned folder, create a resources file named Resources.resw (not that it's not .resx, as with previous .NET applications written in Windows Forms, WPF and ASP.NET) 3. Add a new string with the Name "ApplicationName.Text". The ".Text" suffix is very important; you'll see why in a minute. 4. In your XAML, create a TextBox like this: <TextBlock x:Uid="ApplicationName" Text="" /> The Uid attribute is used for associating controls with resources, according to the MSDN link provided above, and the .Text suffix in the resource Name column, specifies the property to which the resource is linked. Honestly, I'm not sure I like the way this is going, but if it reduces code clutter, I'm willing to at least give this a try. We'll see how this pans out.

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