Thursday, November 01, 2007

Plugin development with Maven, obsessed

Ok, I let my obsessions get the better of me and I couldn't drop it : I kept searching the interwebs until I had found a solution for my problem. Surprise, surprise, the maven-plugin-testing-harness is a broken ass piece of shit. Enough editorializing though, here's how things went :

1) I had to make sure all of this sh*t was in my POM :

2) I then had to change from using 'lookupMojo' to instantiating my own mojo and using 'configureMojo' on the test harness. With the former, you'd have to put the /META-INF/maven/plugin.xml file somewhere on the classpath so that the MavenPluginDiscoverer module can detected it.

Why didn't they just tell you helpful things like these on the wikis for the plugins ? God dammit, I'm quickly hating Maven more and more. And to boot, it doesn't properly evaluate the required expressions and inject stubs for them, but maybe I've just missed something (easy, given how poor the documentation for the project is).

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