Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Some interesting points regarding automated deployment of Alert Rules within an Azure Resource Group template

After some recent endeavours to add Application Insights alert rules, I stumbled (quite sorely) over some quirks around defining Alert Rules within an ARM template:

1) When copying an existing definition out of the Azure portal, there will be a "hidden-link:..." prefixed tag in the tags section of the resource definition. Normally tags are simply extra metadata, but in the case of Application Insights and its related artifacts, the "hidden-link:" tag is actually a functional requirement. You can't delete it! Otherwise, the ARM template deployment will throw a very unhelpful 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.MonitoringServiceException' with no further details.

2) When defining Alert Rules on custom metrics, those metrics must *already* exist within the existing Application Insights instance. Otherwise, as above, the ARM template deployment will throw a very unhelpful 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.MonitoringServiceException' with no further details. The consequence of this is that you won't be able to define such alert rules when deploying a new resource group using the ARM template for the first time! Otherwise, it will fail and you'll be unable to execute the resource group deployment step.

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