Friday, November 21, 2008

Migrating from Acegi Security to Spring Security 2

In an effort to keep our applications current, I've been looking at upgrading from Acegi Security to Spring Security 2 in one of our smaller applications as a test, to see how well it'd go over for our larger applications. So far, the tests are pretty positive. The main advantage to the migration that I can see is improved Web Service security (which I'll definitely be needing), as well as a considerably simplified configuration syntax. The following is a small migration guide :

0. If you haven't already, update your project to use Spring 2.5.4 or greater. This is necessary because of changes to Spring that Spring Security (as well as other Spring subprojects) requires. If you're using Maven 2, this is dead easy, you need only update the <version> elements of the appropriate dependencies.

1. Change all package references starting with 'org.acegisecurity' to '' in your code. If you've architected your system right, this should mean very few changes.

2. In your POM, remove all mention of Acegi security and replace it with the following :







The exclusions are necessary to prevent Spring 2.0.x dependencies from being unnecessarily pulled in.

3. Go through your JSPs and remove all xmlns:authz="..." declarations and replace them with :


4. Go through your applicationContext*.xml files and replace any constants you may have referring to Acegi security with their proper Spring Security 2 counterparts. This means replacing the package prefixes 'org.acegisecurity' with '' and in some cases replacing ACEGI with SPRING_SECURITY in some static constant names.

This migration guide was based on (and expanded from) the one provided by Matt Raible. If you get the time, I recommend you check out his site, he has a lot of good wisdom and examples to share.

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