Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Finally! The trick to proper Java Date and Calendar formatting

It's well documented in the Java API as well as numerous forums and blogs, that the Java API is not properly implemented, and in some respects flat out broken, hence why Java 7 is going to have a brand spanking new Date/Time API based on the Joda Time library hosted at In implementing Dates / TimeZones in Java, the developers of Java saw fit to separate time zones from date implementations because, really, a date is just a number of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 at 00:00:00.000 GMT in the morning. This is a noble goal which I whole heartedly agree with : dates should be represented separately from their timezones because the printed representation of a date will change depending on time zone, whereas no matter where you are in the world, the number of milliseconds from the Epoch has not changed. However, the Java developers implemented this concept poorly. They chose to attach TimeZones to Calendars and then not have them affect any of the time fields, which is fine. But the TimeZone attached to a calendar is not used when using a DateFormat directly. Here's the key : the DateFormat object uses its own internal TimeZone during formatting (which it takes from the currently running JVM) by default. In order to format using the TimeZone attached to a Calendar, you have to explicitly set the TimeZone of the DateFormat to that of the Calendar instance you want to format.

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