Wednesday, September 26, 2007
MySQL character sets, the end
Many times in the past I've tried to get our foreign MySQL server to properly store and handle unicode character sets. Despite the fact that I repeatedly set 'default-character-set=utf8' all over the config files and set the server and client character sets and collations in my.cnf, it still wouldn't handle them properly. Here's the kicker : to make absolutely sure that the server uses only server settings for handling character set (and sets 'fuck you' to whatever the client requests), you have to use the '--skip-character-set-client-handshake' argument when starting the MySQL daemon (server). This is what finally got it going for me. I hope this post helps somebody out someday. (Given my rate of forgetting things, it's likely to be me)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
<rage>MOAR HIBERNATE! :@</rage>
God damn, I'm getting so fucking tired of Hibernate and its quirks. Here's a new one regarding Criteria queries :
When you create a criteria query, you almost invariably have to specify a result transformer of Criterion.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY (that's a quirk, but not the topic of this post). When you have an entity on which you want to build a criteria query and you want to limit the number of search results (ie distinct root entities), things get really tricky. Specifying 'setMaxResults' on the query affects the number of rows returned from the database that are actually inspected. Therefore, if there are any joins on your entity that have collections, this will cause a fetch with an outer join strategy to generate an excessive number of rows and affect the results when using a maxResults setting. In the case of using embedded properties, specifying a fetch mode of SELECT will not override these (this is a glitch in hibernate). You'll have to specify the fetch mode manually in the metadata (be it XML or Annotations) permanently for the embedded class. I fucking hate Hibernate sometimes, I really do.
When you create a criteria query, you almost invariably have to specify a result transformer of Criterion.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY (that's a quirk, but not the topic of this post). When you have an entity on which you want to build a criteria query and you want to limit the number of search results (ie distinct root entities), things get really tricky. Specifying 'setMaxResults' on the query affects the number of rows returned from the database that are actually inspected. Therefore, if there are any joins on your entity that have collections, this will cause a fetch with an outer join strategy to generate an excessive number of rows and affect the results when using a maxResults setting. In the case of using embedded properties, specifying a fetch mode of SELECT will not override these (this is a glitch in hibernate). You'll have to specify the fetch mode manually in the metadata (be it XML or Annotations) permanently for the embedded class. I fucking hate Hibernate sometimes, I really do.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Spring AOP rage ...subsiding
Spring AOP is breaking my heart. Spring overall is a great framework and I love working with it. The idea of using aspects to interweave code and keep concerns separated and code clean is a wonderful though to somebody who loves to architect software, such as myself. But I swear, it feels like I'm hitting every bug in the book when it comes to using AOP in Spring. Certain pointcuts don't get matched properly, regexp based pointcuts get loaded when they shouldn't, the list goes on. I really want to use AOP to design the next big phase of my project that's coming up, but they're making it really hard to justify the decision to do so. You're making my heart cry, Spring.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Google Disappointment it. You just might find a page with me ... pointing at Google on my screen.
Today I was messing around with some of the CSS styling in my API documentation for one of our company's merchant partners, and I found that some of the elements weren't quite right. I then remembered an article I had read on Digg regarding CSS reset stylesheets, and how Google and Yahoo both use them in their free APIs to provide consistent styling results across browsers, so I went to investigate using one of said reset stylesheets to help me out. I figured I'd Google it first (no pun intended), and upon not finding anything relevant quickly, figured Google would be smart enough to use their own reset stylesheets in their own pages. I pulled up the source on one of my query pages, only to discover a developer's horror : inline styling all over the place, and google didn't even use their own stylesheets anywhere in their main site! The code was horrible spaghetti. I ran the page through the W3C web site validator, and it didn't pass a single standard, ie HTML 4.01 / XHTML (any flavour). As one of the big Web 2.0 sites, I would have expected you to have higher regard for international web standards. I'm very disappointed in you Google.
Today I was messing around with some of the CSS styling in my API documentation for one of our company's merchant partners, and I found that some of the elements weren't quite right. I then remembered an article I had read on Digg regarding CSS reset stylesheets, and how Google and Yahoo both use them in their free APIs to provide consistent styling results across browsers, so I went to investigate using one of said reset stylesheets to help me out. I figured I'd Google it first (no pun intended), and upon not finding anything relevant quickly, figured Google would be smart enough to use their own reset stylesheets in their own pages. I pulled up the source on one of my query pages, only to discover a developer's horror : inline styling all over the place, and google didn't even use their own stylesheets anywhere in their main site! The code was horrible spaghetti. I ran the page through the W3C web site validator, and it didn't pass a single standard, ie HTML 4.01 / XHTML (any flavour). As one of the big Web 2.0 sites, I would have expected you to have higher regard for international web standards. I'm very disappointed in you Google.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
A quick note on versioning
I've come to really admire the way the open source community has been versioning their products over the last couple years, especially in the java open source community, which I've found to be very bright and vibrant. Generally, the projects adhere to the following conventions (where 'x' is an integer) :
Version :
x.x.x - Version with major version, minor version, patch increment
0.x.x - Beta software, not to be considered ready for production use (generally, some projects have very odd development cycles and version conventions)
1.x.x - Version 1 (good for looking at, but you may want to wait for version 2, especially Apache projects *cough*maven*cough*struts*cough*)
x.x.x-Mx - Milestone beta version - has certain promised features according to the milestone version, but not the final version with that number
x.x.x-RCx - Release candidate beta version - has all the promised features according to the release plan for that version for the project, but is not considered to have been sufficiently tested
If anybody feels differently about my descriptions, please, by all means, correct me.
Version :
x.x.x - Version with major version, minor version, patch increment
0.x.x - Beta software, not to be considered ready for production use (generally, some projects have very odd development cycles and version conventions)
1.x.x - Version 1 (good for looking at, but you may want to wait for version 2, especially Apache projects *cough*maven*cough*struts*cough*)
x.x.x-Mx - Milestone beta version - has certain promised features according to the milestone version, but not the final version with that number
x.x.x-RCx - Release candidate beta version - has all the promised features according to the release plan for that version for the project, but is not considered to have been sufficiently tested
If anybody feels differently about my descriptions, please, by all means, correct me.
Weak Java
I rarely (if ever) use switch statements, mainly because if their use is required, generally a very poor design decision has been made. But sometimes they're the right choice. That said, I was forced to use a switch statement in some of my code today, and found that Java switch statements can only switch primitive ints and enums in the java language. Not even longs or shorts. That is the weakest shit I've ever encountered. Are you fucking retarded Sun ?
Sorry, I just had to bitch about it, because it's just that stupid.
Sorry, I just had to bitch about it, because it's just that stupid.